
NDIS Provider in Canberra and Queanbeyan

Disability Support Provider

Dignity, Trust and Compassion

We provide indivdualised disability support services to NDIS participants in Canberra and Queanbeyan.


Your story, your goals, and a care plan designed just for you – because individuality is everything.


Always there, day or night, to lend support, guidance, or just a listening ear.


Championing your independence with tailored support that respects your choices and amplifies your capabilities.

Get to know us

DTC Care is redefining NDIS support in Canberra and Queanbeyan, grounded not just in what we do, but how we do it. We’ve set out to level up the standards of care, making every effort to ensure that our practices are as innovative and impactful as our intentions. 

At DTC Care, we understand that true support transcends mere assistance—it’s about creating an environment where individuals feel heard, valued, and empowered to pursue their goals.

Tailored Solutions From A Team That Truly Listen
Empathy at Every Step On Your Journey

Bringing you impactful disability support

Transforming the everyday with thoughtful, impactful support that recognises and celebrates your potential.


Supported Independent Living

Daily Personal Activities

High Intensity Daily Activities


Daily Living
Life Skills

Community Participation

Group Centre Based Activities

Assistance with Travel Transport

We provide solutions, not excuses

At DTC Care, we’re rewriting the script on disability support. Our approach is all about diving deep into what makes each person tick – their hopes, their challenges, and their dreams. With a foundation in genuine care, meditation’s healing touch, and a dash of hypnotherapy magic, we tailor our support to light up individual paths to success.

We’re here to craft not just support plans, but life plans that echo your personal goals and aspirations, big or small. By focusing on empowering rather than just aiding, DTC Care stands out in a crowded world, ensuring that every step you take with us is a step towards a brighter, more connected future.

Free Weekly meditation sessions

Step into a sanctuary of calm at our free weekly meditation sessions, where the hustle of life melts away, leaving space for peace and personal growth. It’s here, amidst the tranquil vibes of Axis Youth Centre, that we offer a pause in your week to reset, recharge, and reflect. 

RSVP to discover the power of meditation and how it can bring a sense of balance that radiates through everything you do.

Free Weekly meditation sessions

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Feedback that makes us smile

Your smiles are our biggest reward, reminding us that what we do really does make a difference.

Melanie W
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5 Stars! Prakash and his team of beautiful, kind carers looked after a relative of ours in the final stages of her palliative care. They were beyond kind and helpful and she trusted them and felt safe in their presence. They did things above and beyond what we would have expected from 24 hour care. For example, we would come in and find them massaging her hands and face, sitting with her, helping her with her sewing, or just sitting with her late at night and holding her hand when she felt lonely. They even came to see her in the hospice and brought her flowers. We spent some time talking to them afterwards about their approach and philosophy of caring. They are truly kind and beautiful people and we can’t recommend them highly enough.
Annon P
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I recommend Prakash and his service if you are looking for an honest and reliable service provider and support worker. He is good at managing appointments and reminding things that we forget sometimes.

get in touch


This Privacy Collection Notice describes how WELFARE SERVICES PTY LTD (ABN 21 663 582 241)  (weus or our) collects and handles your personal information when you make an enquiry with us. We collect personal information from you so that we can respond to your enquiry and for related purposes set out in our Privacy Policy, available on our website (or on request). We may disclose this personal information to third parties, including our personnel, related entities, any third parties engaged by us and acting on our behalf and as otherwise set out in our Privacy Policy.

We store personal information in Australia. Where we disclose your personal information to third parties, those third parties may store, transfer or access personal information outside of Australia. If you do not provide your personal information to us, it may affect our ability to do business with you. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information about how we collect, store, use and disclose your personal information, including details about overseas disclosure, access, correction, how you can make a privacy-related complaint and our complaint-handling process. If you have questions about our privacy practices, please contact us by email at: prakash@dtccare.com.au By providing your personal information to us, you agree to the collection, use, storage and disclosure of that information as described in this privacy collection notice.

Speak with Canberra's trusted NDIS Provider

Choosing DTC Care means stepping into a world where your needs, dreams, and aspirations are front and centre. With DTC Care it’s about drawing outside the lines to create a support experience that truly reflects who you are and where you want to go. 

Reach out and let’s talk about how we can make your NDIS journey not just successful, but extraordinary.